Committee News

The 5pm deadline passed (10/06/23) without objection, so the applications for committee members and roles will stand as follows:
Chairman – Simon Wiles
Vice Chair – Mark Hill
Treasurer – Iain Campbell
Secretary – Jack Kerswill
Membership Secretary – Neil Winwood
Committee Member – David Allen

Already high on the agenda is the upcoming Slalom weekend, which is taking place on the 8/9th of July. Although the majority of us are not Slalom paddlers, and TCC is by no stretch of the imagination an active Slalom club, it was once. And from my understanding, Jackfield is one of the most highly regarded slalom events on the calendar.

James Roden (OZ) has been instrumental in turning this around rapidly and is leading us through what we need to make it happen. As much member support as any and all can muster will be fantastic in helping make the event a success. Further updates will follow..


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